1. If you are highly technical and can handle the programming a professional image blog demands, you shouldn’t call on us.
  2. If you have little or no interest in regularly writing about your body of work or topics (at least once or twice a week) then you shouldn’t call on us.
  3. If you don’t have a clear picture of your personal brand or image, and/or what you want it to be, you shouldn’t call on us.

Get started right now if you don’t want the headaches of maintaining and programming your blog. You enjoy writing about your body of work—and you know pretty clearly what your want your image or brand to be …

Then let’s get started – contact us today for your free 30-minute evaluation.

Website or Blog?

“You should have both!”

A fully professional WordPress blog can be embedded seamlessly in your website or located separately and provides numerous benefits.

Terry Brock believes so strongly about the need for a blog that he said in a National Speakers Association workshop, “Your website should be a blog!”

In a follow-up conversation with Terry, he expanded and said, “In most cases and for most people, a blog is the most efficient, effective, and income generating way to have a presence on the Net.”

Terry Brock (terrybrock.com) is a professional speaker and marketing coach.

In the Spotlight

Increase Exposure for Your Business!

One of our clients had 2 international business magazines link to his site within the first 60 days of launching his new blog: ManageMyEmployees.com.

These online magazines were Drake Business Review and the Return on Behavior Magazine which goes out to 2,500 European leaders in customer service.